Domestic Violence Can Be Deadly

The recent shooting by the Torrance Police Department of a 19 year old alleged perpetrator of domestic violence stands as a warning that domestic violence can be deadly. According to media reports the family of the man had sought and obtained a domestic violence restraining order several days before the shooting.

The media reported that prior to the shooting by the Torrance Police the man had set fire to his mothers house and to the residence of his son , while his son was inside the apartment . Fortunately the child was rescued unharmed.

Domestic violence should always be taken very seriously, and the services of an experienced family law attorney such as Colleen and Patricia Barberis is essential, whether you are the victim or the accused.

Obtaining a domestic violence restraining order requires two hearings. The first is an emergency hearing that should occur immediately or as soon as possible after the abuse. The court will issue a temporary restraining order if the emergency hearing is successful. The second hearing is a trial and will occur within 21 days after the emergency hearing A successful trial will result in a permanent restraining order that can last up to five years.

A permanent domestic violence restraining order has very serious consequences that can effect custody of children, security clearance and employability. An experienced family law lawyer can explain the entire process, the consequences and represent you through the entire proceeding. Once the order is obtained it is essential that the order be enforced, and the protected person report all violations of the order immediately .
